People seek therapy for a variety of reasons, including experiencing relief from stress, anxiety or depression, or because they are coping with major life transitions like loss of a loved one, a change in health or employment status, or because they have moved to a new city and want support orienting themselves. Sometimes people want to better understand how early trauma or neglect has influenced their current functioning and learn more effective ways to cope with the woundedness that may result. Some people simply see therapy as a touchstone to cultivate greater self-awareness or a safe place to more deeply explore who they are in terms of their core values and beliefs. Others seek therapy to understand why they find themselves repeating similar patterns over and over again despite their best efforts not to do so.
Whatever the reason for entering therapy, the ultimate goal is for clients to experience more understanding, compassion, clarity, and confidence in their relationships with themselves and others, and to create life-affirming meaning and fulfillment in their lives.
In individual therapy, clients work one-on-one with a trained therapist in a safe, confidential, caring, and supportive environment. Clients may be guided to explore conscious or unconscious motivations, beliefs, and fears. With more awareness of these things, one develops the capacity to choose differently, and hence liberate oneself from limiting patterns. Clients learn new more adaptive ways to cope and relate to themselves and others.
Couples often seek therapy when they are experiencing an impasse or when one or the other person feels there are serious inequities in the relationship that are not being resolved. Such problems can arise early in a relationship, in the middle of a partnership or after years of being together. Impasses may result from work stress, infidelity, life transitions, poor communication habits, or incompatibility. Partners may cope by withdrawing and burying their feelings, growing resentful, while others may find they are more irritable, fault-finding and argumentative. In either case, partners may begin to experience distance, estrangement and a loss of intimacy.
Couple’s therapy is different from individual therapy because in couple’s therapy, the relationship is the focus of attention, whereas in individual therapy, the focus of attention is on the individual and her/his problems. Couple’s therapy focuses on the conflicts and problems that exist between two people. Alisa helps couples to identify the source of the conflict and provide guidance in determining what changes need to be made both within each person and between each partner.
Couple’s therapy involves helping couples to communicate more effectively and listen more deeply to one another. Alisa supports couples in cultivating greater attunement, compassion, and understanding toward themselves and each other. She works with couples to candidly clarify feelings and intentions and mediates disagreements with gentle discernment. Having a skillful therapist present can support each member of the couple in being heard and can deepen each person’s capacity to understand their mate from a place of non-judgment and empathy. The goal is to support couples in learning how to communicate thoughtfully and collaboratively, to develop mutually beneficial goals, and work cooperatively instead of competitively with one another.
Family therapy can support family members to identify and resolve problems resulting from conflict and stress. Some common sources of distress include loss, divorce or separation, conflicts about the amount of time allowed watching TV or playing videogames, work stress, financial problems, abuse, teenage rebellion, chronic health problems, and parenting difficulties. Families can be a great source of love and support but paradoxically, they can also be a source of pain and grief when they are experiencing distress. Family therapy can ease strained relationships, teach mindful communication and effective coping skills, and cultivate feelings of mutual appreciation among family members.
Life Coaching
As a trained life coach, Alisa supports her coaching clients in discovering or refining their core life values and intentions, developing strategies to attain what they truly want, and helping them go beyond their perceived limitations by taking effective action steps toward their goals.
Areas of Focus
Alleviating Depression and Anxiety
Trauma Healing
Intersectionality & Analysis of Power and Privilege
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Affirmative Therapy
Woman-Centered Therapy
Stress Reduction
Self-esteem & Self Compassion
Healing from Co-Dependency
Life Transitions
Grief and Loss Support
Enhancing Relationships
Spiritual Development and Exploration
Enhancing Creative Expression
Sensitivity to the needs and lifestyles of those in the entertainment industry.
Integrative Approach using a variety of modalities including:
Psychodynamic Focus
Somatic Experiencing